Yoga -Asanas (Health & Fitness) Complete Detail

Asanas are physical postures or poses that are an important part of yoga practice. There are many different asanas, each with its own unique benefits. Some asanas are intended to improve flexibility and strength, while others are meant to calm the mind and relax the body.

In general, asanas are held for a period of time and are meant to be performed with mindfulness and proper alignment. Practicing asanas can help to improve overall physical and mental well-being.

  • English pronunciation : ˈjəʊɡə (Yoga) / ˈɑːsənə (Asana) /
  • Sanskrit संस्कृतम् : योग (Yōga) / आसन (Āsana) /
  • Tamil தமிழ் : யோகா – ஆரோக்கியமான பயிற்சிகள் (Yōkā – ārōkkiyamāṉa payiṟcikaḷ) / ஆசனா (Ācaṉā) / யோகாசனம் (Yōkācaṉam)
  • Bahasa Melayu : Yoga – Latihan Kesihatan Fizikal /
  • Malayalam : യോഗ (Yēāga) / യോഗാസനം (Yēāgāsanaṁ) /
  • Telugu : యోగ (Yōga) / ఆసన (Āsana) /
  • Français : Le yoga

Popular Yoga Asanas for Health and Fitness

  1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose): This is a foundational pose and often the starting point for other asanas. It promotes good posture, strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles, and can help relieve back pain.
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): A powerful stretching pose that strengthens the arms and shoulders, stretches the hamstrings, calves, and spine, and improves flexibility.
  3. Plank Pose: A fantastic asana for strengthening the core, arms, and legs, improving balance, and promoting good posture.
  4. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): This pose enhances balance, strengthens the thighs, calves, ankles, and spine, stretches the groins and inner thighs, and can help improve concentration.
  5. Savasana (Corpse Pose): A relaxation pose that calms the mind, reduces stress, fatigue, and insomnia, and helps lower blood pressure.

Benefits of Asanas:

  1. There are many benefits to practicing asanas. Some of the benefits of asanas include:
  2. Improved flexibility: Asanas can help to improve flexibility by stretching and lengthening the muscles.
  3. Improved strength: Many asanas require you to hold your own body weight, which can help to build strength.
  4. Improved balance: Asanas that require balance can help to improve balance and coordination.
  5. Improved circulation: Some asanas can help to improve blood circulation throughout the body.
  6. Improved respiratory function: Asanas that involve deep breathing can help to improve respiratory function.
  7. Stress relief: Many asanas can help to relax the mind and body, leading to stress relief.
  8. Improved overall well-being: Regular practice of asanas can contribute to an overall feeling of well-being and can help to improve quality of life.

Sanskrit affixes

Sanskrit affixes 01 that are used to indicate modifications to the basic yoga positions, or asanas, include the following:

AdhoअधोdownwardAdho Mukha Shvanasana (downward dog)
Ardhaअर्धhalfArdha Padmasana (half lotus)
Baddhaबद्धboundBaddha Konasana (bound angle)
Dviद्विtwoDvi Pada Kaundinyasana (two-legged Kaundinya)
EkaएकoneEka Pada Shirshasana (one-legged headstand)
Parivrittaपरिवृत्तrevolvedParivritta Trikonasana (reverse triangle)
Prasaritaप्रसारितspread outPrasarita Padottanasana (wide stance forward bend)
Salambaषलम्बsupportedSalamba Shirshasana (supported headstand)
Suptaसुप्तsupine, recliningSupta Virasana (reclining hero)
Upavishtaउपविष्ठseatedUpavishta Konasana (wide-angle seated forward bend)
Urdhvaऊर्ध्वupwardsUrdhva Dhanurasana (upwards bow)
Utthitaउत्थितextendedUtthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle)
ViparitaविपरीतinvertedViparita Dandasana (inverted staff)

An āsana (Sanskrit: आसन) is a body posture,

Adho Mukha SvanasanaDown Dog
Akarna DhanurasanaArcher Pose
Ardha ChandrasanaHalf Moon Pose
Ardha MatsyendrasanaSeated spinal Twist Pose / Half Fish Lord Pose
Ardha PavanmuktasanaHalf Gas Release Pose
Ashwa SanchalanasanaEquestrian Pose
Baddha KonasanaButterfly
Baddha-PadmasanaBound Lotus Pose
BhadrasanaGracious Pose
Balasana / ShashakasanaChild’s Pose
BujangasanaCobra Pose
ChakrasanaWheel Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana
DandasanaStaff Pose
DhanurasanaBow Pose
EkpadaskandhasnaFoot Behind the Head Pose
GarbhasanaWomb Pose
GarudasanaEagle Pose
GowmukhasanaCow Face Pose
HalasanaPlow Pose
Janu SirsasanaHead to Knee Pose
Janu ShirasanaNose to Knee Pose
KandhrasanaShoulder Pose
KapotasanaPigeon Pose
Karna PidasanaKnee to Ear / Deaf man pose
KukkutasanaRooster Pose
MarjariasanaCat / Cow Pose
MakarasanaCrocodile Poses (4 Variations)
MandukasanaFrog Pose
MatsyasanaFish Pose
NatarajasanaShiva Dancing Pose
Navkasana / NaukasanaBoat Pose
PadahastasanaHands to Feet Pose
PadmasanaLotus Pose
Padma-BakasanaLotus Crane Pose
PaschimottanasanaSeated Forward Bend
Parivrtta TrikonasanaRevolved Triangle / Reverse Triangle Pose
ParsvottanasanaIntense Side Stretch
Parshvava ChakrasanaSidebending Pose
Prasarita PadottanasanaStanding Wide Legged Forward Bend
ParvatasanaMountain Pose
PavanmuktasanaGas Release Pose
Poorna MatsyendrasanaFull Fish Lord Pose
Raja KapotasanaRoyal Pidgeon
SalabhasanaLocust Pose
SankatasanaContracted Pose
Shava UdarakarshanasanaUniversal Spinal Twist
SarvangasanaShoulder stand
Setu BandhasanaBridge Pose
Setu Bandha SarvangasanaBridge Pose
SiddhasanaAccomplished Pose
SirsasanaHead Stand Pose
Sirsa PadangushthasanHead to Big Toe Pose
SukhasanaEasy pose
SiddhasanaAccomplished pose
SimhasanaLion Pose
Supta Hasta Pada Angushthasana
Supta Baddha KonasanaReclined Butterfly
Supta MandukasanaSleeping Frog Pose
Supta VajrasanaSleeping Thunderbolt Pose
SvastikasanaAuspicious / Prosperous Pose
SavasanaCorpse Pose
Tadasana A & BMountain Pose / Palm Tree Pose A & B
TolangulasanaScale Pose
TrikonasanaTriangle Pose
UgrasanaFerocious Pose
Urdhva DhanurasanaWheel Pose
UstrasanaCamel Pose
UttanasanaForward Fold
UttanpadasanaRaising Feet Pose
Uttan MandukasanaRaising Frog Pose
Uttana KurmasanaRaising Tortoise Pose
UtkatasanaChair pose
Utthita TrikonasanaTriangle
Utthita ParsvottanasanaExtended side angle pose
Upavistha Konasana
Vadha GomukhasanaBound Cow Face Pose
VajrasanaStrong / Thunderbolt Pose
VakrasanaTwisting Pose
VasisthasanaSide Plank
VatayanasanaHorse Pose
Viparita KaraniLegs up the Wall Pose
Viprit NaukasanaInverted Boat Pose
Virabhadrasana IWarrior 1
Virabhadrasana IIWarrior 2
Virabhadrasana IIIWarrior 3
VirasanaHero Pose
VrksasanaTree Pose
Yoga MudraYoga Mudra

(2) Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (Primary Series)

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a specific sequence of postures linked together by the breath. The Primary Series, also known as Yoga Chikitsa, is the first series of asanas in Ashtanga Yoga. Here is a table for the complete sequence, but please note that it’s always recommended to learn these postures from a qualified yoga teacher to ensure correct alignment and avoid injuries.

S.No.English NameSanskrit Name
1.Sun Salutation ASurya Namaskara A
2.Sun Salutation BSurya Namaskara B
3.Standing Forward BendPadahastasana
4.Triangle PoseTrikonasana
5.Revolved Triangle PoseParivrtta Trikonasana
6.Extended Side Angle PoseParsvakonasana
7.Revolved Side Angle PoseParivrtta Parsvakonasana
8.Wide Legged Forward BendPrasarita Padottanasana
9.Extended Triangle PoseUtthita Trikonasana
10.Pyramid PoseParsvottanasana
11.Warrior IVirabhadrasana I
12.Warrior IIVirabhadrasana II
13.Seated Forward BendPashimottanasana
14.Half Bound Lotus Seated Forward BendArdha Baddha Padma Pashimottanasana
15.Bound Angle PoseBaddha Konasana
16.Upward Facing Bow PoseUrdhva Mukha Pashimottanasana
17.Hero’s PoseVirasana
18.Marichi’s PoseMarichyasana
19.Boat PoseNavasana
20.Half Lord of the FishesArdha Matsyendrasana
21.Cow Face PoseGomukhasana
22.Seated Wide-Legged Forward BendUpavistha Konasana
23.Supine Bound Angle PoseSupta Baddha Konasana
24.Reclining Hero PoseSupta Virasana
25.Shoulder-Pressing PoseBhujapidasana
26.Lotus PosePadmasana
27.Corpse PoseSavasana

DISCLAIMER: Each of these poses is linked with the breath, with inhalations typically associated with upward movements and exhalations associated with downward movements or twists. It’s also common to spend five breaths in each pose before moving on to the next, promoting a meditative state through the focus on breath and movement.

(4) Sivananda Yoga

Sivananda Yoga is a classical and holistic approach to Hatha Yoga that focuses on proper breathing, relaxation, diet, exercise, and positive thinking. The Sivananda sequence consists of 12 basic asanas or postures, each complimenting the previous one.

Sivananda Yoga is a classical and holistic approach to Hatha Yoga that focuses on proper breathing, relaxation, diet, exercise, and positive thinking. The Sivananda sequence consists of 12 basic asanas or postures, each complimenting the previous one.

Here’s a table for the Sivananda Yoga sequence:

S.No.English NameSanskrit Name
3.Plough PoseHalasana
4.Fish PoseMatsyasana
5.Seated Forward BendPaschimottanasana
6.Cobra PoseBhujangasana
7.Locust PoseShalabhasana
8.Bow PoseDhanurasana
9.Half Spinal TwistArdha Matsyendrasana
10.Crow or Peacock PoseKakasana or Mayurasana
11.Standing Forward BendPadahastasana
12.Triangle PoseTrikonasana

Note: Each practice usually starts with pranayama exercises (like Anuloma Viloma) and ends with relaxation in Savasana. The Sivananda practice also emphasizes the five points of yoga which are proper exercise (asanas), proper breathing (pranayama), proper relaxation (Savasana), proper diet (vegetarian), and positive thinking (Vedanta) and meditation (Dhyana). As always, practice under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.

(5) Iyengar Yoga

(6) Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga, also known as the “Royal Path” or “Ashtanga Yoga” (not to be confused with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga), refers to the eightfold path of yoga outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. It doesn’t comprise specific yoga asanas or poses like other forms of yoga, but it includes a comprehensive system of disciplines and practices aimed at self-realization and enlightenment.

Here’s a table outlining the eight limbs or steps of Raja Yoga:

S.No.English TranslationSanskrit Name
1.Ethical StandardsYama
2.Personal DisciplinesNiyama
3.Yoga PosturesAsana
4.Breath ControlPranayama
5.Withdrawal of the SensesPratyahara

(7) Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is known for its comprehensive approach that incorporates several elements in each practice. Rather than a fixed sequence of poses as seen in some other forms of yoga, Kundalini Yoga usually involves performing kriyas, which are specific sets of exercises, along with chanting, pranayama, and meditation.

The exact structure of a Kundalini Yoga practice can vary widely and often depends on the teacher and the specific goals of the session. A typical Kundalini Yoga class might follow a structure similar to the one below:

1.Tuning in with the Adi Mantra (“Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo”)
2.Warm-up exercises
3.Pranayama (breathing exercises)
4.Kriya (a series of asanas with specific focus)
7.Closing with the Long Time Sun Blessing
8.Sat Nam closing

It’s important to note that each kriya is different and is designed for a specific purpose, such as for the spine, for the digestive system, for mental clarity, etc. The specific kriyas and meditations used in a Kundalini Yoga class can vary widely, so there’s no standard set of asanas or exercises that can be laid out in a table like for some other yoga styles.

It’s always recommended to learn Kundalini Yoga under the guidance of a qualified teacher to ensure that the exercises are being done correctly and safely.

(8) Bhakti Yoga & Kirtan (mantra chanting)

  • Positive effects on the emotions
  • Correct pronunciation and mental attitude
  • Learning of classical Sanskrit songs
  • The nine types of Bhakti
  • The five attitudes of devotion
  • Kirtan: chanting of classical Sanskrit mantras
  • Indian gods and their cosmic meaning
  • Arati and Pujas (traditional Indian rituals)
  • Chanting opens the heart and purifies the mind. With daily chanting, you develop a strong feeling of devotion and a very pure vibration. In devotional chanting correct pronunciation, devotional attitude and awareness of meaning are all-important.

(9) Karma Yoga

  • Karma yoga is the practice of selfless service and helps to reduce selfishness and egoism and keeps you fit and healthy and gives immeasurable joy
  • You will be asked to do various tasks within the Ashram setting including gardening, cooking, cleaning, office work and any other work necessary for the smooth running of the community
  • The law of cause and effect
  • Samsara – the wheel of birth and death
  • Karma Yoga – selfless service: one hour daily in the ashram community

(10) Jnana Yoga

  • Basic concepts of Vedanta philosophy
  • The 7 Bhoomikas or planes of consciousness
  • Space, time, causation
  • The 3 bodies
  • The 3 levels of the mind
  • Conquest of death

(11) Pranayama (breathing techniques)

  • Expands capacity of the lungs
  • Relaxes the nervous system
  • Balances the two hemispheres of the brain
  • Purifies the nadis (subtle energy channels)
  • Awakens the inner spiritual energy
  • Kapalabhati (lung cleansing exercise)
  • Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing)
  • Ujjayi, Surya Bheda, Bhastrika, Sitali, Sitkari, Bhramari
  • Samanu (mental cleansing of the nadis)
  • The three bandhas: Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana
  • 1. Bhastrika
    • a- Deep Breathing
    • b- Fast Breathing
  • 2. Nadi-Shodhan
    • a- Anuloma Viloma
    • b- Nadi -Shodhan with retension
  • 3. Surya-Bhedhan
  • 4. Chandra-Bhedhan
  • 5. Ujjayi
  • 6. Shitali
  • 7. Sitkari
  • 8. Bhramari
  • 9. Udgita
  • 10. Theory of Murccha
  • 11. Bahiya
  • 12. Aabhyantra
  • 13. Stambh
  • 14. Bahiya Aabhantar Vishyakshepi
  • 15. Theory of Plavini

(12) Yogic Shatkarmas / Kriyaa (cleansing techniques)

•Tratak, Neti, Kapalabhati, Dhauti, Nauli and Basti: six classical purification exercises for the eyes, nose, air passages, oesophagus and stomach, abdominal organs and large intestine. Explanation and demonstration of the exercises and their effects. Individual instruction

  • 1. Neti
    • a- Jala Neti
    • b- Rubber Neti
    • c- Sutra Neti
  • 2. Dhauti (Vamana)
    • a- Kunjal
    • b- Danda Dhauti
    • c- Vastra Dhauti / Bastra Dhauti (Cloth)
    • d- Vatsara Dhauti
    • e- Agnisara
    • f- Shankha Prakshalana
  • 3. Nauli
  • 4. Basti
    • a- Jal Basti
    • b- Pawan Basti
  • 5. Kapalabhati
    • a- Kapalabhati 1
    • b- Kapalabhati 2
  • 6. Trataka
    • a- External Trataka
    • b- Internal Trataka

(13) Bandhas (Yogic locks)

(14) Meditation

  • Guide to meditation
  • What is meditation
  • Why meditate
  • Physical and mental meditation
  • 12-step daily practice
  • Effects of and experiences in meditation
  • Mantras – spiritual energy in sound
  • Mantra initiation (if desired)

(15) Basic Ayurveda, yoga nutrition and the yogic diet

  • Vegetarianism – for ethical, spiritual and health reasons
  • How diet affects the mind
  • Proper balance of the main nutrients
  • Ayurvedic principles of nutrition
  • Healing effects of fasting

1. Panchmahabhoota Theory
2. Tridosha Theory (Proper nutrition according to the three-Dosha theory of Ayurveda)
3. Dhatus in Ayurveda
4. Dhatus as it Relates to Modern Medicine
5. Prakriti Analysis
6. Diet According to Prakriti
7. General Introduction to Diet & subtle aspects of the vegetarian diet
8. Yogic Diet
9. Mindful Eating
10. Pancha Prana
11. Pancha Kosha

(16) Introduction to chakras, nadis & mudras

  • Gyana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Bharav Mudra
  • Bhairvi Mudra
  • Hridaya Mudra
  • Vayu Mudra
  • Shunya Mudra
  • Surya Mudra
  • Varun Mudra
  • Prithvi Mudra
  • Pran Mudra
  • Apana Mudra
  • Shambhavi Mudra
  • Nasikagra Mudra
  • Khechari Mudra
  • Kaki Mudra
  • Viparitkarni Mudra
  • Pashinee Mudra
  • Yoga Mudra
  • Maha Mudra
  • Ashvini Mudra

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